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Awards and Accolades


James B. Edwards has received numerous recognition awards over the years. They include:
• Palmetto's Finest Award
• Inviting School Award
• SC Exemplary Writing Award
• Environmental School of the Year
• SC Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association Award of Excellence for Web page"
• Phoenix Award for Excellence in Conservation and Environmental programs for students
• SC State Board of Education Volunteer Award. Using the theme, “Metamorphosis,” a grant was awarded for an ambitious plan (James B. Edwards Elementary Butterfly Project) that included the study of butterflies, construction of a butterfly garden, publication of a butterfly brochure and a matching grant for Internet access networking.
• Second place, SCIway's K-12 Web Design Contest. The "Carolina Shores Alphabet Quilt" website was created by the entire second grade at James B. Edwards The website shows the quilt, stories, and illustrations.
• Showcase Technology School"
• South Carolina State Education Oversight Committee recognizes James B. Edwards for accomplishments to close South Carolina’s achievement gap through the exemplary Palmetto Achievement Challenge Test (PACT) performance of historically underachieving students.
• Member, "The Society of 1824", a philanthropical organization of the Medical University of SC
• Centurion Award" at the Society of 1824 dinner for reaching the 100 - 500,000 dollar level in donations from our children to the Medical University. Masterminds is an annual project held in conjunction with the Medical University of South Carolina's Children's Hospital. This program serves as a fundraiser for the hospital and as math enhancement for the students.
• Palmetto Gold Award Winner - The Palmetto Gold and Silver Awards Program was established by the Education Accountability Act of 1998. As an important part of the education accountability system in South Carolina, the Awards program is designed to recognize and reward schools that attain high levels of absolute performance and schools that attain high rates of improvement.
•AYP (Annual Year Progress - 17 of 17 criteria - 2011